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Kristina Waters, Jul 2020
You fed Loop-de-Loop one Tilted Yellow Popsicle!

She rates this food +3.
"Do you take me for a common sea-peasant or something?"
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 15 and so does Loop-de-Loop.
Kuda, Jul 2020
ou fed Loop-de-Loop one Orange Slurpy!

She rates this food +7.
"Splish splash I was munching a treat!"
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 19 and so does Loop-de-Loop.
Deedee Saad, Jul 2020
You fed Shirley one Happy Cup (Empty)!

She rates this food +8.
"I'm counting down on my feathers until I have that again!"
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 20 and so does Shirley
Deedee Saad, Jul 2020
You fed Shirley one Sour Lemon Sweet!

She rates this food +8.
"I'm counting down on my feathers until I have that again!"
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 20 and so does Shirley
Deedee Saad, Jul 2020
You fed Shirley one Calamari Rings!

She rates this food +10.
"Mmmm, feather licking good!"
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 22 and so does Shirley
Kristina Waters, Jun 2020
You fed Monty Don one Tilted Green Popsicle!

He rates this food +9.
"That may have given me energy to clean a few rooms but you better come up with something better next time if you want anything more done."
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to him.
You score + 21 and so does Monty Don.